There Is More Than You Think To Get A Healthy Hollywood Smile

WHETHER YOU NEED A MAJOR makeover or just a few touch-ups, cosmetic dentistry could provide the look you want. A smile design is more than just whitening. We take into account many factors such as tooth proportions, lip line and your age to create a natural and new appearance.

The Blending Of Science And Art

Cosmetic dentistry provides both therapeutic and aesthetic benefits. Treatment can repair your teeth and correct your bite, and at the same time give you the smile you want! To achieve that, we use the latest in dental procedures and materials and even have our lab technician sit chairside with us during crown and veneer placement.

How Do We Get Started?

Your initial visit will involve a comprehensive exam with study models and a complete set of digital x-rays. We will discuss your desires and possiblities and have you re-appointed to present the options for treatment. Based on my findings and discussion, there could be a possibility that other specialty treatments may be involved in treatment, such as the need to see a periodontist or orthodontist.

Designing Your Perfect Smile

Lastly, we don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach. By getting to know your specific dental needs, your aesthetic preferences, and even your personality, we should be able to create the smile you want.

Thank you for being our valued patient and friend!

-Richard Gottlieb, DMD

Top image by Flickr user David Shankbone used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

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